About Us
We make learning easy.
YouLearn Academies came about when we decided to organize all of Rose Academies‘ healthcare educational materials and application programs into an accessible resource center. These booklets and research documents have been created by hundreds of students attending Universities at Texas A&M, Santa Clara, Cornell EWH, and SCU Frugal Innovation Hub. Thanks to their efforts we are able to share an incredible amount of healthcare knowledge with you, our valuable community healthcare workers!
Rose Academies has been educating the rural poor since 2014 about menstruation, sexual development, nutrition, disease prevention, family health and WASH. Today we are giving you the unique opportunity to access our healthcare programs by simply downloading a pdf file.
We invite you to join the thousands of women, youth and disabled persons that have learned how to make healthy lifestyle choices and are enjoying better health as a result of our educational programs designed to make learning easier.

Sustainable Solutions
From the beginning, we understood that girls dropped out of school due to the onset of menarche and were unable to afford purchasing disposable pads. We began teaching how to make reusable pads as a sustainable solution to an age old problem. Now girls of all ages are learning how to self sufficient during their menstrual cycle. Download your own pad pattern here.
Our unique approach is now being used throughout rural Uganda as we bring healthcare knowledge into the rural communities that lack modern conveniences, electricity, and internet. We have created the means of bringing technology into those communities and are revolutionizing the way we teach healthcare.

Our success is measured by the lives we have changed; a simple approach to learning is saving thousands of lives.
YouLearn Academies is a subsidiary of Rose Academies, a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Donations are tax deductible FEIN #47-1655454.